Stomach mini-bypass surgery is a type of slimming surgery that is a combination of gastric sleeve and Stomach bypass surgery.
Standard Obesity Surgery It can be said that other modern obesity surgeries are somehow compared to this method.
Stomach sleeve surgery is a surgery on the stomach to lose weight. As your stomach gets smaller, it reduces the amount of food you eat.
Hernia surgery is one of the most common surgeries in the world. Hernia surgery reduces pain and returns the abdomen to its proper position
Gallbladder removal is one of the most common surgical procedures. Gallbladder removal surgery is usually adapted to minimally invasive techniques
This method, which is very effective in treating diabetes and high blood pressure, by weight loss, is a combination of mini-bypass surgery and Stomach sleeve surgery.
This procedure takes between 60 and 90 minutes, and immediately after the operation, after 2 or 3 days, you can return to your previous routine and do your daily tasks, but you should consider that heavy work. You don’t have to do it for a while.
As this surgery preserves the pylorus (a valve that regulates gastric emptying). It allows food to stay in the stomach, which makes you feel fuller.
Postoperative weight loss can also improve many of your medical conditions. Conditions that may improve include asthma, type 2 diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, sleep apnea, high cholesterol and gastrointestinal diseases.
Stomach sleeve surgery will dramatically reduce your calorie intake. You can eat normally but with smaller meals. This can lead to significant weight loss in a relatively short period of time. In clinical trials, patients lost an average of 66% of their excess weight.
Floor 4 – Atieh Doctors Building – Between 33 & 35 – Dastgheyb Street – Khayam Street – Mashhad